CACF - Coalition for Asian American Children + Families

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Diverse Community Groups Gather at the New York State Capitol for Advocacy Day in Support of Inclusive AANHPI Education

NEW YORK (May 22, 2023) -- Organizations in the R.E.A.C.H. (Representing and Empowering AANHPI Community History) Coalition assembled at the New York State Capitol in Albany, NY, for their first-ever Advocacy Day.

Throughout the day, community advocates spoke to their elected officials in celebration of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month and also in support of Senate Bill 5963/Assembly Bill A06579, a measure that would require public K-12 schools in New York State to include material in their curricula that reflects AANHPI history.

Advocates from a range of affected communities and coalition groups joined a press conference with Senator John Liu and Assemblymember Grace Lee (the sponsors of S5963 and A06579), followed by a celebration of AANHPI Heritage Month with Senators Iwen Chu, Jeremy Cooney, John Liu, and Kevin Thomas, along with the New York State Assembly Asian Pacific American Task Force. Volunteers then met with elected officials in the New York legislature to urge support for S5963 and A06579.

This Advocacy Day is the first of its kind for the R.E.A.C.H. Coalition, which was formed in January 2023 to fight for inclusive AANHPI education measures, including bills like S5963 and A06579. The statewide coalition includes more than 170 students, parents, educators, and advocates, as well as more than 60 community-based organizations fighting for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander history. The Coalition intends to continue hosting Advocacy Days on an annual basis moving forward.

The following quotes are attributable to elected officials, organizational leaders, and community advocates gathered at the Capitol today:

Senator John C. Liu, sponsor of S5963: “This legislation is vital for both supporting the identity formation of our students and combating the resurgence of anti-Asian violence. While our Asian American communities have always been an integral part of our nation, for too long, our history and experiences have been excluded from the curriculum in our schools. The reality is Asian Americans are a part of the fabric of this nation, and Asian American history is American history.

Teaching Asian American history will make sure that our students are afforded the opportunity to learn a more inclusive history. With the passage of the state budget this week, including a record $30 million for AAPI community-based organizations, our combined advocacy is stronger than ever, and I thank the R.E.A.C.H. Coalition and all the students, families and educators who are working to make sure our voices are heard, our histories are learned, and our experiences are understood."

Assemblymember Grace Lee, sponsor of A06579: “Education is the best antidote for hate. What we teach translates to what we believe and value as a society, and when we exclude Asian Americans from our telling of American history, we teach people to see Asian Americans as foreigners or outsiders, making them easy targets for hate and violence. Protecting our AAPI community starts in our classrooms, where we can teach the public to recognize them as equal and valuable members of American society. I am proud to join Senator John Liu and the R.E.A.C.H. Coalition to introduce legislation to protect New York’s AAPI community by teaching AAPI History in our public schools.”

Senator Iwen Chu: “AAPI history is American history. Cultures and traditions survive the passage of time when knowledge is passed down. Learning the rich and diverse cultures that make up the AAPI diaspora will be a great benefit to public school students, and in the long-term fight anti-Asian hate; we must educate our students about the history and contributions of Asian Americans. Thank you to my colleague, Senator John Liu, for introducing S5963 to teach the contributions AAPI Americans have made in building this great country.”

Senator Jeremy Cooney: “The AAPI community has been steadily growing in New York State, it is time school curriculums truly reflect our state’s diversity. It will be invaluable for the next generation of AAPI New Yorkers to see themselves in textbooks, and beneficial for all students to learn and better understand the contributions of the AAPI community here in New York and nationally. I thank Senator Liu for his continued advocacy, and proudly support S5963.”

Senator Kristen Gonzalez: “AAPI history is our history, and when we fail to integrate that into our curriculum we continue to 'other' an increasingly marginalized population. When young people do not see their identities represented in the curriculum, it can have profoundly negative effects on their self-perception. As we continue to contend with white supremacy, elevating whiteness in the classroom comes at a great cost to all students.”

Senator Robert Jackson: “Embracing our AAPI Heritage Month, we stand united as a diverse tapestry of voices, advocating for inclusivity and understanding. Joining forces with passionate students, devoted parents, dedicated educators, and tireless advocates, we empower the next generation by supporting Senator John Liu and Assemblymember Grace Lee's bills S5963 and A06579. Together, we strive to illuminate the rich tapestry of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander history within our public schools, fostering a society that cherishes and celebrates the vibrant stories that shape our collective identity.”

Senator Shelley B. Mayer: “As Asian Americans experience unprecedented rates of hatred and discrimination, it is vital that AAPI history is integrated into the curriculum in public schools. Education is critical to ending the ignorance and stereotypes that can lead to such acts of hatred. The time has come for schools to affirmatively acknowledge these acts--and take steps to end them.”

Senator Toby Ann Stavisky: “Asian Americans have played a critical role in the growth and enrichment of our state and our country. The significant impact of the Asian American community should be taught in our schools. It is time we create a more well-rounded and inclusive curriculum that better represents everyone who helped build this country and move our society forward.”

Senator Kevin Thomas: “By embracing the teaching of Asian American history in New York public schools, we can empower our students with a deeper understanding of the rich contributions and experiences of the AAPI community. Teaching these stories will foster inclusivity and cultural appreciation for future generations.”

Assemblymember Edward Braunstein: “For generations, Asian Americans have made tremendous contributions to our state and our country. Unfortunately, as we saw during the pandemic, Asian American prejudice still endures in the United States. Teaching Asian American history, heritage, and culture in New York’s public schools will help stem the tide of hate and intolerance and foster respect and understanding in and out of the classroom. I thank Assemblywoman Grace Lee and Senator John Liu for championing this important issue.”

Assemblymember Steven Raga: “I wholeheartedly support A06579. This groundbreaking legislation is a profound stride toward truly inclusive education, acknowledging and celebrating the rich and diverse histories of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities here in New York State. As we strive to cultivate an inclusive educational environment, let us remember that our history is not complete unless it reflects all of its participants.”

Assemblymember Gina Sillitti: “Children need to identify with the heroes and leaders they read about. This bill will ensure AAPI history and contributions will be taught in our classrooms to help break down barriers and build mutual respect. I understand that education may not bring about the fastest results, but it will bring about the longest lasting ones.”

Members of the REACH Coalition with Sen. John Liu

Brianna Cea, President of OCA-NY and Co-Lead of the R.E.A.C.H. Coalition: “From marching in the streets of Manhattan to advocating in the halls of the State Capitol in Albany, the OCA-NY chapter is proud to participate in the R.E.A.C.H. Coalition's first Day of Action during our 48-hour Advocacy-thon for inclusive AANHPI history. In our first Advocacy Day as a coalition, we look forward to celebrating our heritage and honoring the legacy of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders who have contributed to our rich history and collective struggle for a better country. This is just the beginning!”

Kulsoom Tapal, Education Policy Coordinator, CACF and Co-Lead of the R.E.A.C.H. Coalition: “Throughout history, AANHPI communities have stood alongside other historically marginalized groups in the pursuit of justice and equality. Yet, these stories of alliance and shared struggle often go untold. AANHPI curriculum dismantles the model minority myth by challenging the prevailing stereotypes and misconceptions and recognizing the vast diversity and complexity within AANHPI communities. The integration of AANHPI curriculum is not a mere academic exercise; it is an act of justice and recognition. It is an affirmation that AANHPI history is American history, and our stories deserve to be told.”

Harman Singh, Education Director of the Sikh Coalition and member of the R.E.A.C.H Steering Committee: “It is heartwarming to see community advocates, volunteers, coalition groups, and elected members mobilize and come together for a full day of action. While AANHPI month comes only once per year, our advocacy and fight for our community’s inclusion in the education system must be a sustained effort.”

Mohamed Q. Amin, Founder and Executive Director of Caribbean Equality Project: “Indo-Caribbean history is Asian American history. New York State is home to the largest Indo-Caribbean foreign-born population in the United States, many of whom live in immigrant communities like Schenectady, Richmond Hill and South Ozone Park in Queens, and Castle Hill and Wakefield in the Bronx. In the US diaspora, 'Indo-Caribbean' is also used to speak to community-defined terms that produce local notions of identity, ethnicity, history, and memory.

Teaching Indo-Caribbean history is critical in honoring the legacy, struggles, and resilience of thousands of indentured laborers and their descendants cultural contribution to the diversity of NY, which fosters cross-racial solidarity, building political power, and electoral representation.”

Annie Tan, former special education teacher and writer: “My cousin Vincent Chin was murdered because of the myth that he was a perpetual foreigner, because he looked a certain way based on his skin color, and the myth and false belief that he did not belong in Detroit or in America.

By teaching about solidarity movements, such as how Frederick Douglass and Wong Kim Ark fought for the right to citizenship for all Americans, about Yuri Kochiyama and Malcolm X's friendship, and how Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition aligned with my family for justice for Vincent Chin, we teach all of our students that they belong here and that our communities will fight with them. I have seen first-hand in my over a decade of teaching special education students that students not only have increased engagement, but they learn how to read and speak and advocate for themselves and others, and not just in our classrooms. This bill will help all students, and especially our AANHPI students, to combat the violence and harassment that has happened toward our students and people, especially during this pandemic. It is a moral imperative to teach our stories that move through and past trauma so we can all create better, more imaginative, and sustainable futures for our students and society.”

Jonathan Lam, Senior at Benjamin N. Cardozo High School and Student Leader at the Teen Activist Project at NYCLU: “As a son of Vietnamese refugees, I support the AANHPI curriculum bill because the experiences of Southeast Asian Immigrant communities should be highlighted in the classroom. Our family stories are rarely amplified and our culture is not recognized within the classroom. Being a youth leader a part of the Teen Activist Project, I’ve been able to lobby on the AANHPI Bill and organize for a more inclusive classroom throughout New York State!”

Chloe Liang, Student Leader at the Teen Activist Project at NYCLU: “It took me years to accept myself as both Asian and American. And I know I am not alone in this battle as many others struggle with their identities, facing discrimination from their peers and being looked at as different by society. Having a place, such as in school, to learn about our culture is crucial in developing our own identity. Representation matters!”


For more information about our work or to interview R.E.A.C.H. Coalition members and community advocates, please contact or