CACF - Coalition for Asian American Children + Families

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Survey on Access Health NYC Programming During FY23 (2023)

Access Health NYC (AHNYC) is a City Council Citywide Initiative that funds community-based organizations (CBOs) to provide education, outreach, and assistance to all New Yorkers about how to access health care and coverage. AHNYC is composed of 4 lead agencies and 34 awardee CBOs, who provide culturally relevant, linguistically accessible, and accurate information specifically targeting hard-to-reach populations and those experiencing barriers to care.

As one of the four lead agencies of AHNYC, the Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF) conducted a survey of the awardee CBOs to determine the impact of their outreach and education activities for Fiscal Year 2023, which spans July 2022 to June 2023. 

This survey report includes information on languages spoken, numbers around impact, and topics covered in educational programs. 

Thank you to our AHNYC partners who contributed data to this survey: Bedford-Stuyvesant Family Health Center, Care for the Homeless, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, Community Health Center of Richmond, Emerald Isle Immigration Center, Health People, Japanese American Social Services Inc, Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Make the Road New York, Mekong NYC, Polonians Organized to Minister to Our Community, South Asian Council for Social Services, and United Chinese Association of Brooklyn.